Baking With Home Dairy Masterclass

Photo of Shortbread by Kayla Schapansky

In preparation for Christmas baking season, I decided that we needed a course all about using home dairy in our baking. This may seem like a moot point. Baking is baking right!? How could home dairy make much difference at all?

When I started researching for this masterclass I really had no idea why it was different, I just knew that sometimes it was. I would pull cookies from the oven made with homemade butter and find them to have melted into one glob. I would try to bake a cheesecake but come out with a puddle of oil and curds.

I have never professed to be the best baker in the world. Sure I make bread, and bake muffins regularly, but that is about where my expertise stops. I used to make cookies often, but finding that homemade butter wasn’t giving me a consistent product, I stopped. I knew that if I was to make this masterclass, I needed help! 

I reached out to the community on Instagram and received hundreds of expressions of interest. What this showed me is that many home bakers are using home dairy successfully and frequently to make amazing treats! Choosing only a few contributors was a very difficult task. Kayla from @rockygardengirls and Celine Gerber have taken on this project with full force. With backgrounds as professional chefs, they have knocked these recipes out of the park!

You will find that this masterclass is divided into section by dairy product. Firstly Kayla will take us through cream and butter, followed by Celine who talks about milk and fermented doughs. Finally you get my cheese experience tucked in at the end where I talk to you about using cheese as well as whey in your baking. 

In this masterclass, find written content and recipes that are sure to make your Christmas baking season a whole lot funner! 

Course Information

✔️ Learn why home dairy is different than store bought

✔️ Learn how to easily adapt recipes to use home dairy in your baking.

✔️Practice your skills with some tried and true baking recipes (All Christmas season themed of course).

Course Contributors

Kayla Schapansky

Hi, I’m Kayla
I live in rural central Alberta, Canada with my husband and five children. We own a small 7 acre farm, raising everything from our beautiful dairy cows,  to pigs and everything in between. You will find me happiest in my gardens, both perennials and vegetables. I am so blessed to be able to homeschool my children, which gives us the ability to work right alongside one another, to cultivate the soil together, to raise our animals together, experiencing both the highs and lows of farm life, to spend time in the kitchen side by side, and lots of time cozied up fireside with never-ending cups of tea and good books.  It is not always perfectly ordered but it is beautiful. 

Robyn Jackson

Hi, there! I am a Mom to three sweet children, a Rancher, a Homesteader and a Milkmaid. I have been milking a cow and making cheese in my kitchen since 2014. Homestead cheesemaking is something that is dear to my heart. 200 years ago your mother, grandmother, or aunt may have taught you to make cheese; these days it is pretty rare to actually know someone in person who makes cheese. I teach homesteaders how to turn their milk into cheese, and as a life long learner, I am always seeking to listen and learn from other people perspectives and experiences. I am very passionate about traditional skills, homegrown food, and living a slower, more intentional life.

Celine Gerber

I am Celine, my family immigrated to central Alberta
Canada when I was 3 from Switzerland. I grew up on, and live on a dairy farm in central Alberta, where we milk 81 pastured dairy cows of various
breeds, as well as 24 dairy sheep, 10 pigs, 40ish chickens, and a few rabbits have been a professional baker, cook by day, and farmer (by
morning and night) since I graduated high school 10 years ago.

Baking With Home Dairy Masterclass



Cream With Kayla

Butter With Kayla

Milk with Celine

Cheese and Whey With Robyn

Author: Robyn

Hi, there! I am a Mom to three sweet children, a Rancher, a Homesteader and a Milkmaid. I have been milking a cow and making cheese in my kitchen since 2014. Homestead cheesemaking is something that is dear to my heart. 200 years ago your mother, grandmother, or aunt may have taught you to make cheese; these days it is pretty rare to actually know someone in person who makes cheese. I teach homesteaders how to turn their milk into cheese, and as a life long learner, I am always seeking to listen and learn from other people perspectives and experiences. I am very passionate about traditional skills, homegrown food, and living a slower, more intentional life.

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