Choosing A Milk Cow For Your Homestead Masterclass

Course Information

Please Note, this is one of the masterclasses included in The Milkmaid Society monthly membership. As registration only opens once per season, and you may be in the market for a milk cow between these times, I have made this masterclass available for purchase separately as well. Please note that this course varies slightly from the one available in the milkmaid society. As I hire other milkmaids to help me create content for the milkmaid society, I have removed some of the content from this course that was created by other milkmaids. For example, the version in the milkmaid society also includes a section on machine milking a cow created by my friend Deanna.

My husband, Zach, a lifetime dairy cow lover, instigated my crash course in to milkmaid life, when one spring afternoon I came home to find myself the proud new owner of a Holstein cull cow.

My milk cow journey has had many bumps along the road. There is so much to learn, so much to know, and finding the information can often seem confusing.

This masterclass will take you through the ins and outs of deciding if a cow is the right choice for your homestead, how to buy a milk cow and how to prepare and set up for a milk cow when you bring her home. You may have so many questions about choosing a milk cow or maybe you don’t even know what questions you need to ask yet! This masterclass has been built with all of this in mind!

What We Will Cover In This Masterclass

✔️ Our story of why we chose milk cows for our homestead, and why we think they are a great choice!

✔️ Dairy cow breeds to consider for your homestead

✔️ How to buy a dairy cow

✔️ How to set up your homestead for a dairy cow

✔️ How to hand milk a cow


Robyn Jackson

Cheese From Scratch

Hi, there! I am a Mom to three sweet children, a Rancher, a Homesteader and a Milkmaid. I have been milking a cow and making cheese in my kitchen since 2014. Homestead cheesemaking is something that is dear to my heart. 200 years ago your mother, grandmother, or aunt may have taught you to make cheese; these days it is pretty rare to actually know someone in person who makes cheese. I teach homesteaders how to turn their milk into cheese, and as a life long learner, I am always seeking to listen and learn from other people perspectives and experiences. I am very passionate about traditional skills, homegrown food, and living a slower, more intentional life.

Choosing A Milk Cow Masterclass



Choosing A Milk Cow

Buying A Milk Cow

Getting Ready For A Milk Cow

How To Milk A Cow


Author: Robyn

Hi, there! I am a Mom to three sweet children, a Rancher, a Homesteader and a Milkmaid. I have been milking a cow and making cheese in my kitchen since 2014. Homestead cheesemaking is something that is dear to my heart. 200 years ago your mother, grandmother, or aunt may have taught you to make cheese; these days it is pretty rare to actually know someone in person who makes cheese. I teach homesteaders how to turn their milk into cheese, and as a life long learner, I am always seeking to listen and learn from other people perspectives and experiences. I am very passionate about traditional skills, homegrown food, and living a slower, more intentional life.

2 thoughts on “Choosing A Milk Cow For Your Homestead Masterclass

  1. Kelly Davidson says:

    Hi! I can’t find a way to contact you via email so I’m just going to comment here and hopefully you are able to help me.
    I thought I was purchasing the ebook on vet check list however, after I purchased it sent me to this class. Since we just
    bought a cow I don’t really need this. I would just go ahead and purchase the vet one but I’m afraid it will do the same
    thing and repurchase this one again. :/ Is there anyway I could get a refund then I could go ahead and purchase the
    vet one.


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