Hosting a Cheesemaking Workshop on Your Farm 

One of the hardest things of teaching cheesemaking in the way that I do, is not being able to stand beside my students and help them along with their cheese questions. Everything is pictures, late answers and “well if this is what it feels like”….. ect. One exciting thing that I have heard a lot of lately, is people interested in taking the knowledge they learn online and bringing it back to their homesteads for local workshops. I couldn’t be more excited to announce that this months theme in the milkmaid society is all about hosting your own on farm cheese workshop.

Even if you have minimal cheesemaking experience, in person workshops are something that you can teach. People don’t need to know the science behind how to make cheese, they just want to know how to do it in the simplest way possible. In the last 100 years, cheesemaking has been taken off of the homestead. Skills that were once learned from our grandmas, neighbours, and friends are now learned from books and YouTube.  Its time to bring cheesemaking back to the homestead and to look at this skill that you have been developing and say, “I have something to teach”. Two years ago, If I had never looked at myself and said this, I wouldn’t have learned half the things I now know about cheesemaking. 

Course Information

In this masterclass you will learn;

  • Ideas for cheesemaking workshops and deciding on what style of workshop is best for you
  • Tips for making your workshop a success
  • Learn how to market your workshop, from where to market it, to how to create eye catching posters and social media posts.
  • Gain access to free printable hand outs and resources for your workshop
  • View a sample lesson plan created by me!

Course Instructor

Robyn Robyn Author

Hi, there! I am a Mom to three sweet children, a Rancher, a Homesteader and a Milkmaid. I have been milking a cow and making cheese in my kitchen since 2014. Homestead cheesemaking is something that is dear to my heart. 200 years ago your mother, grandmother, or aunt may have taught you to make cheese; these days it is pretty rare to actually know someone in person who makes cheese. I teach homesteaders how to turn their milk into cheese, and as a life long learner, I am always seeking to listen and learn from other people perspectives and experiences. I am very passionate about traditional skills, homegrown food, and living a slower, more intentional life.

Hosting A Cheesemaking Workshop



Planning Out Your Workshop

Sell All The Seats

Sample Lesson Plan 

Author: Robyn

Hi, there! I am a Mom to three sweet children, a Rancher, a Homesteader and a Milkmaid. I have been milking a cow and making cheese in my kitchen since 2014. Homestead cheesemaking is something that is dear to my heart. 200 years ago your mother, grandmother, or aunt may have taught you to make cheese; these days it is pretty rare to actually know someone in person who makes cheese. I teach homesteaders how to turn their milk into cheese, and as a life long learner, I am always seeking to listen and learn from other people perspectives and experiences. I am very passionate about traditional skills, homegrown food, and living a slower, more intentional life.

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